A teenage girl named Chelsea Schiffel on a United Airlines Flight has asserted that she was subjected to groping by an elderly man. According to the airline’s response, they cited the girl’s attire, describing her shorts as “extremely short,” and noted her repeated need to traverse over another passenger.
Note: Multiple incidents occurred across different airlines too. One recent example is the American Airlines Flight incident.
Chelsea Schiffel, then 15, was journeying with her family from LA to Sydney on a United Airlines flight in July 2014 when the purported inappropriate touching occurred, as reported by News Corp.
The girl claims the man touched her breasts on two occasions after her mother, Narelle, 42, had temporarily vacated her seat to converse with a family member situated towards the rear of the plane.
Chelsea Schiffel claims she was inappropriately touched on a July 2014 flight, with flight attendants and passengers claiming she repeatedly moved in and out of her seat, crawled over another customer, and wore shorts. United Airlines denied any negligence.
She claims the airline told her she ‘wore extremely short shorts’ and had climbed over another passenger and. According to Chelsea Schiffel, what a woman wears should not bear any responsibility for any alleged sexual attack on them, and many would agree with her — but what about the woman’s alleged actions?
While a child should never be touched in an inappropriate way, they also should not be climbing on other passengers, regardless of what they are wearing.
If it’s true that she was behaving in such a way, it’s easy to see how a startled stranger, who was simply trying to sleep, may have inadvertently and unintentionally touched the girl in a way he didn’t mean to do while simply trying to protect their own space.
Perhaps the takeaway here has nothing to do with clothes, but rather a lot more to do with the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That includes keeping your hands and your body to yourself.
However, Chelsea said what a woman wears should not bear any responsibility for any alleged sexual attack on them. “For me it comes across, by them saying that, (it) feels like they were telling me that I was asking for it,” Chelsea told the publication.
The family has attempted to take legal actions against United Airlines but insufficient evidence has hindered the case.
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